Eye Care Services
Eye and Vision Exams
Healthy eyes are one of the greatest gifts we can have, but many people often take their gift of good eyesight for granted. To ensure a lifetime of great eyesight, and that your eyes remain free of disease for as long as possible, we recommend routine annual eye health examination. At San Diego Eye Clinic, we take advantage of the latest technology, and the deep expertise of our doctors, to ensure that every member of your family receives the best eye health examination possible.
Comprehensive Eye Exams: The Most Important Step You can Take to Monitor Potential Eye and Vision Problems
A comprehensive eye exam is much more than simply checking if you need new glasses or not; it’s a detailed evaluation of every important aspect of your eye health. Even when your eyesight is fine, you should always receive an annual comprehensive eye exam to detect problems before they become noticeable and prevent potential complications down the line, which may be harder to reverse. You can think of comprehensive eye exams as your best insurance against serious threats to your vision.
What is involved in your Comprehensive Eye Exam?
Our professional eye doctors at San Diego Eye clinic carry out a number of tests during your visit to our clinic for a comprehensive eye exam. Your visit starts with our asking you about your medical history, and whether you’ve had any vision or eye related issues. We then evaluate the health of your eye and your eye sights with the following examinations:
Automatic and objective detection of your far vision prescription, using an instrument called Autorefractometer.
Evaluation of the pressure inside of your eyes, using a state of the art instrument called Non Contact Tonometer
Direct viewing and assessment of your retinas and optic nerves, using digital retinal imaging, for high resolution documentation of the health assessment of the back of your eye.
Examination of the front of your eyes with a device called slit lamp;
Evaluation of your eye’s focus, teaming, tracking, color sense, depth perception, and other functions, as deemed necessary by your eye doctor;
Eye chart vision testing to determine if you have any refractive errors and if so, by how much, and the best means of correcting these refractive errors using glasses or contact lenses.
Different age groups in your family may need to schedule exams at different intervals. Babies and small children in their early years usually only have three major eye exams, but older children and adults need to have annual exams, especially if there are eye health issues that the doctor is monitoring over time. Adults with eye health conditions and seniors over the age of 60 should visit their eye doctor at least once a year to monitor for eye health conditions.
Please contact us at San Diego Eye Clinic to schedule your family’s next comprehensive eye exam.
Contact Lens Fitting
Finding the right contact lens for you, means to find the right balance between the best visual acuity and comfort. The eye doctors at San Diego Eye Clinic are experts at selecting and fitting the right contact lenses for you, including hard to fit contact lenses for people with special vision needs. We offer a range of spherical, toric (for astigmatic eyes), and bifocal/multi-focal contact lenses to fit your specific needs.
Emergency Eye Care
Eye Infections
If you’ve noticed some pain, swelling, itching, or redness in your eye, it is possible that you have an eye infection. Eye infections can be serious, and usually fall into three specific categories based on their cause: viral, bacterial, or fungal, and each is treated differently.
The different types of infections could include:
a) Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye, which occur when blood vessels in the thin outermost membrane around your eyeball becomes red and infected.
b) Keratitis, which is the swelling of your cornea, the clear layer that covers your pupil and iris, and can be caused either by infection or injury.
c) Endophthalmitis, a severe inflammation of the inside of your eye, due to an infection.
d) Blepharitis, or the inflammation of your eyelids, the skin folds covering your eyes.
e) Stye, which is a pimple like bump that develops from an oil gland on the outer edges of your eyelids.
f) Uveitis, or inflammation of your uvea (the central layer of your eyeball that delivers blood to your retina) when it is infected.
g) Eyelid Cellulitis, which is due to infection of eye tissues, often caused by an injury like a scratch to your eye tissues that introduces bacteria.
h) Ocular herpes, which results from the infection of your eye by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1).
Our specialist optometrists are well trained professionals that can recommend treatments for all the above conditions, when they occur, after determining whether they are bacterial, viral, or fungal in nature. Please see an eye care professional as soon as you experience any of the above.
Foreign Object Removal
Foreign object in the eye is anything that enters the eye that does not naturally belong, from dust particles to a metal shard. Most foreign objects affect the cornea or the conjunctiva, and their presence often causes significant irritation, redness, and pain. Objects that enter the cornea, can cause scratches, and may lead to infection or damage to your vision.
If you have a foreign object in your eye, prompt diagnosis and treatment will help prevent infection and potential loss of vision. If you attempt to remove a foreign object yourself, you could cause serious eye damage, so getting immediate emergency treatment is very important, especially, if the foreign object has:
Sharp or rough edges
Is large enough to make closing of your eye uncomfortable
Contains chemicals
Entered your eye at a high speed
Is embedded in the eye,
Is causing bleeding in the eye.
If you have a foreign object, contact an eye care professional immediately, and avoid further injury to the eye by:
Restricting eye movement
Bandaging the eye using a clean cloth or gauze
If the object is too large to allow for a bandage, cover the eye with a paper cup
Cover the uninjured eye. This will help prevent eye movement in the injured eye.
For immediate and professional care, please contact San Diego Eye Clinic.
Eye Allergies
Many people in San Diego suffer from eye allergies that can be triggered by pollen, dander, or a number of other irritants. At San Diego Eye Clinic, we provide routine eye exams and treatment for patients that are suffering from eye allergies and need treatment to control their symptoms. Depending on the source of the irritant, treatment can include artificial tears, oral antihistamines, decongestants, or corticosteroids to clear up your allergy symptoms.
Serious Disease of the Back of The Eye
Diabetic Retinopathy
If you are one of hundreds of thousands of people in San Diego County that have diabetes, you are at risk for developing diabetic retinopathy, a common diabetic eye disease. You may not develop symptoms of diabetic retinopathy until after you’ve had diabetes for about 10 years, but because of the quiet progression of this disease, it is considered dangerous, and should be monitored regularly by your eye doctor. Early detection of diabetic retinopathy could save your vision from going blind.
Diabetic retinopathy affects blood vessels in the retina of your eye (the eye tissue responsible for transmitting signals to your brain). Rise in blood sugar levels can lead to swelling of retinal blood vessels, causing fluid to lead into your macula, damaging your central vision. In early stages, you may not have any symptoms, but as the disease advances, you may start to see signs of blurred vision, double vision, spots, floaters, and even pain in your eyes. As with many other diseases, the earlier your eye doctor is able to detect diabetic retinopathy, the more effective the treatment.
Please visit your eye care professional at San Diego Eye Clinic, if you have diabetes, for a routine eye health examination.
Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is a serious condition that affects the center portion of the retina, or the macula, which is responsible for focusing and clarity of vision. It affects more than 11 million people in the United States, and it is more common in older adults over the age of 55. If this silent disorder progresses and is left untreated, it causes permanent vision loss, making it critical for the patient to seek treatment as soon as possible.
Please visit your eye care professional at San Diego Eye Clinic, if you have feel that you are experiencing some degree of vision loss, for a routine eye health examination.
Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease and is the leading cause of blindness. While it is not curable, you can prevent further vision loss with proper treatment. At San Diego Eye Clinic we screen for symptoms of glaucoma with every comprehensive vision exam, and we strive to detect the early signs of glaucoma and educate our patients regarding the risks of glaucoma. Glaucoma often does not cause signs and symptoms until you start noticing vision loss. It is a disease the silently progresses without the patient knowing and that is why it is important for all patients to have a regular eye exam.

Myopia Prevention and Management
What is Myopia?
Myopia or nearsightedness refers to a condition in which you can see clearly up close, but objects that are in a distance appear blurry or out of focus. Nearsightedness develops if your eyeball is too long or if the cornea, the clear front surface of your eye, is too curved. This means that the light that enters your eye does not correctly focus the image of the objects that you are seeing, resulting in blurry images of distant objects.
Myopia affects millions of people and it is now considered a pandemic worldwide. The exact cause of Myopia is not known. Family history is a contributing factor with at least one parent who has myopia. It often develops in school age children, and as the eyes grow, myopia generally progresses until around age 20. Even though it is the most common in children and young adults, myopia can also develop in adults, mostly due to visual stress, or health conditions such as diabetes.
At San Diego Eye Clinic, we use the state-of-the-art equipment to develop a personalized treatment plan for your eyes. Our non-invasive treatments include customized contact lenses and special prescription eye drops for children. Clinical studies show a 78% decrease in progression of myopia versus no treatment. At your initial consultation, your doctor at San Diego Eye Clinic will determine the treatment that will work best for managing your or your child’s myopia.
Please Click Here to learn more about treatment options offered by San Diego Eye Care’s Myopia Management Clinic.

Dry Eye Management
Dry eye is a condition in which a person doesn’t have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish their eyes. Tears are very important in maintain the health of the front surface of the cornea and to have clear vision. Dry eye syndrome is very common and usually it is a chronic condition for older adults. When tear is produced on the surface of the eye, blinking of the eyelids spread the tear across the front surface of the eye, and excess tears in the eyes flow into small drainage ducts in the inner corners of your eyelids. When there is an imbalance between tear production (too little tear is produced) and drainage (too much tear is drained) dry eye syndrome can occur.
If you are experience any of the following, you may be suffering from Dry Eye Syndrome:
Stinging/Burning; Redness/Irritation; Tearing/Watery Eyes
Feeling of “Something in Your Eye”; Difficulty Wearing Contact lenses
Light Sensitivity; Blurred Vision/Eye Fatigue; Fluctuating Vision
Glare Problems While Driving and at Night
Please Click Here to learn more about treatment options offered by San Diego Eye Care’s Dry Eye Clinic Spa